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20 Francs Genie, a gold coin from the French Third Republic

Coins, beyond their financial value, carry with them a part of the history and culture of an era. Among these numismatic treasures, the 20 francs Genie or stands out for its elegance and richly symbolic heritage. Let’s delve into the world of this emblematic coin and discover its unique characteristics, which continue to fascinate numismatists the world over.

The history of 20 francs Génie

The traditional 20 francs coin

The 20 francs Génie follows in the tradition of 20 franc coins, otherwise known as Napoleon. Indeed, it was the First Consul who initiated the creation of one of France’s most emblematic gold coins. The 20 francs was first minted on March 28, 1803, replacing the Louis d’or until the outbreak of First World War. Over the course of this centenary, the coin evolved with the regimes, borrowing the effigy of kings under Louis XVIII, Charles X and Louis-Philippe, that of emperors Napoléon I and Napoléon III, and even republican symbols.

A coin from the Third Republic

The 20 francs génie falls into the latter category. The Third Republic was proclaimed on September 4, 1870, two days after the military defeat of Napoleon III’s Empire at the Battle of Sedan. It was established under difficult conditions. France’s war debt to Germany was colossal, and a new coin had to be minted quickly to repay the war effort.

No new engraving, then, for the 20 franc gold coin, which reproduces the classic illustration of the genius of the Constitution (1791 and 1792), designed by the medallist and 14th general engraver of coins during the French Revolution, Augustin Dupré. It marks a break with the Napoleonic regime and continuity with the Republic.

The 20 francs Genie gold coin

The designs of the 20 francs Génie

The famous genie is shown here on the obverse of the coin. The 20 Francs Genie gold coin is virtually identical to Dupré’s, as the political and economic context did not allow time for the genie to evolve. A single detail differs, however: the law table is blank. It was not until later that the 50 franc coin was filled in with the term “constitution”.

The genie refers to the winged victories of Roman and Greek antiquity. Standing on a cippus, he wears a drape over his left shoulder that falls down his body.

On the left, the faisceau de licteur, of Roman origin, is taken up again to symbolize the union and strength of French citizens united to defend Liberty. It is surmounted by the hand of justice.

On the right, a rooster stands on one leg. This French symbol was later used on the 20 Francs Marianne Coq coin.

The lower center of the coin features the signature of engraver Dupré. The obverse also features the words “République Française”.

On the reverse, the 20 francs genie face value and the year of minting are surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves and the inscription “liberté, égalité, fraternité”.

At the time, the State was not yet separate from the Church, which is why the words “Dieu protège la France” (God protects France) appear on the edge.

Its characteristics

Napoleon I had strictly controlled the manufacture of the 20 francs coin at the time of its creation. This Génie coin therefore retains the exact characteristics stipulated in the law of 7 Germinal An XI, which have remained unchanged for the 111 years it has been minted. Articles 7 and 8 define its gold content, weight and measurements. The 20 francs Génie or therefore weighs 6.45 grams, with a titre of 900‰ and measures 21 mm in diameter.

Some vintages are particularly sought-after by numismatists. The 1878 coins are extremely rare, having been minted in only 30 copies, as are the 1889 coins, minted in 100 copies. Other coins are particularly interesting. Such is the case of the 1896A version, where the presence of a torch on the reverse of the coin, in the lower right-hand corner, makes it an exception.

The 20 Franc Gold Genie is much more than just a coin. Its history and quality make it a prized treasure, coveted by passionate collectors. It is a testimony to French history and a numismatic work of art. Acquiring a 20 Francs Genie coin is an opportunity to own a treasure, a precious cultural heritage that transcends the ages.

If you would like to buy or sell a 20 francs Génie coin, Thomas Numismatics is here to help you.

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