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Gold - Écu d’or au soleil - du Dauphiné - Grenoble
Argyrus - Gold - Histamenon Nomisma - constantinople
Gold - Écu d'or au Soleil - Type 1 - 1565 H La Rochelle - 15616 examples
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Showing all 18 results
Stater crossglobulaire à la croixSénons
Gold Staterà l'oeilRèmes
Gold StaterNGC AU strike 5/5Surface 2/5
Denier au bigeVilleneuve-Saint-Germain
Stater at hippophoreNael Pedigree 1987
Silver Tetradrachm
Bronze PixtilosPedigreeEx amateur d'art 2002 collection
Gold StaterOld collection
GoldStater anchor
Bronze PixtilosBurgan pedigree from 13 december 1993
Gold 1/4 StaterSilberstein Pedigree from 20 january 1998
DrachmPedigree Bourgey 29th september 1997
Stater crosstype globulaire à la croix