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Gold - Écu d’or au soleil - du Dauphiné - Grenoble
Argyrus - Gold - Histamenon Nomisma - constantinople
Gold - Écu d'or au Soleil - Type 1 - 1565 H La Rochelle - 15616 examples
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Madras PresidencyGold MohurShipwreck TreasureFamę
Gold25 KoriKutchBhuj VS 1919 (1862)PCGS MS 65
Gold StaterKidara
Gold TolaBombay
Luxury Wooden boxset of 4 coinscollection of the VOC
Gold PagodaMadras Presidency
Gold pagodaMadakari Nayaka I
Napoleon I1/8 of 5 francs
Louis XVI1/8 ecu
Gold PagodaMughal EmpireShipwreck treasureFame
Gold PagodaMadras PresidencyShipwreck treasureFame