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Gold - Écu d’or au soleil - du Dauphiné - Grenoble
Argyrus - Gold - Histamenon Nomisma - constantinople
Gold - Écu d'or au Soleil - Type 1 - 1565 H La Rochelle - 15616 examples
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Showing 1–20 of 165 results
Original boxSet of 2 gold coinsGold 1/2 Pond and Gold 1/10 KrugerrandTreasureBank hoardThe Lost Hoard
GoldAnge d'orNGC MS 62Treasure Pontivy Hoard
GoldMouton d'orNGC MS 61Treasure Pontivy Hoard
GoldLouis d'or aux lunettes1731 T NantesTreasure of rue Mouffetard
Gold1/2 Heaume d'orLa RochellePCGS MS 62Treasure Hoardthe One Hundred Years war
GoldÉcu d'or à la couronneSaint-LôPCGS MS 64Treasure Hoardthe One Hundred Years war
GoldÉcu d'or à la couronneSaint-LôPCGS MS 63Treasure Hoardthe One Hundred Years war
1 Dollar Morgan1880 SParamount MS 65TreasureThe Redfield Collection
1 Dollar Morgan1896ParamountTreasureThe Redfield Collection
Gold5 Dollars Tête d'indien1915 PhiladelphieTreasure Hoard Rive d'or Collection
10 coins UNCQuarter dollar1964 D DenverTreasureBinion collection
Écu Vertugadin1716 A Flan neufTreasuremill of Luzarches
GoldÉcu d'or à la CouronneSaint LôHoardTreasure of Middle Age
Écu Vertugadin1716 9 Rennes Flan neufTreasuremill of Luzarches
3 Clays pots Hoard11th and 13th CenturySong Dynasty
AntoninianusRoma (253-254)TreasureGuercheville Hoard
Follis or NummusTrèvesTreasureChitry Hoard
Follis or NummusLyonTreasureChitry Hoard
GoldSalut d'orSaint-LôTreasure Hoardthe One Hundred Years war