Philippe VI
Gold Florin Georges – 2nd emission – PCGS MS 63
110 000€

Philippe VI
Gold Florin Georges – 2nd emission – PCGS MS 63
110 000€
Exceptional coin missing from most major collections, of outstanding rarity.
Very beautiful golden patina. Splendid specimen.
Coin certified PCGS MS 63. Top population. Highest grade.
This is a highly rare second issue, featuring the four small shields of France on the reverse and with central motifs on the obverse that no longer extend into the legend.
The Florin Georges, also known under various names such as Denarius ad sanctum Georgium, Flourin de Sainct Jourge, or Saint Georges, was a coin issued to finance a military expedition to Brittany, and later Aquitaine, where the heir to the throne led his first campaigns. This piece pays tribute to Saint George, the patron saint of warriors, who is depicted on the obverse.
The first minting of this coin took place at the Monnaie d’Angers. A second issue was ordered by John, Duke of Normandy, the eldest son of the King of France, and decreed on April 27, 1346. This series was struck at a rate of 52 coins per marc, with a theoretical weight of 4.706 g, a purity of 24 carats, and a face value of 20 sous tournois.
Saint George, wearing armor and a helmet, riding left on horseback. He carries a shield adorned with a cross and brandishes a lance, which he thrusts into the mouth of the dragon lying at his horse’s feet. The design is embellished with fleur-de-lis within a polylobe.
A quadrilobed and fleuronnée cross, within a quadrilobe adorned with leaves, flanked by four shields of France.
References: Dy.257A - Fr.272.