George VI – 10 Shillings – PMG Choice VF 35 – Treasure shipwreck – S.S. politician

George VI – 10 Shillings – PMG Choice VF 35 – Treasure shipwreck – S.S. politician
Nicely centered and bold example with just minor post-sinking handling for the grade.
Pedigree :
Banknote recovered from SS politician.
SS Politician was a cargo ship that ran aground off the coast of the Hebridean island of Eriskay in 1941. Her cargo included 22,000 cases of scotch whisky and £3 million worth of Jamaican Banknotes. Much of the whisky was recovered by islanders from across the Hebrides, contrary to marine salvage laws. Because no duty had been paid on the whisky, members of HM customs and Excise pursued and prosecuted those who had removed the cargo.
The story of the wreck and looting was the basis for the book Whisky Galore; an adaptation was released as a film in 1949 and a remake in 2016.
Comments :
Billet de 10 Shillings – 1-11-1940 – Serie C/10.
Certified PMG choice VF 35. Pedigree S.S. Politician Shipwreck.