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Ancient drachma: a thousand-year-old currency

Drachme antique

The drachma was the Greek monetary unit, during Antiquity, but also before the arrival of the euro from 1831 to 2000. It is therefore the witness of a part of Greek history and contains a considerable …

Ancient Greek currencies: a whole history

Ionia Phokaia Hekte electrum obverse

Ancient Greek currencies are mythical. They are the oldest coins in the world and bear witness to a great civilization. Collecting them is truly a journey through time. And this…

The monuments on Roman coins

Monuments monnaies romaines

Numismatics is also a way to immerse yourself in history. Coins are often the witnesses of an era and the symbol of a country, a region, a city even. In Roman antiquity, coins were, among other things…

5 prestigious Greek coins

monnaies grecques

History and archaeological excavations agree that these coins were born in Minor Asia in the seventh century BC. In the legendary country of Croesus, in Lydia, the first coins were…

The sinking of the S.S. Camberwell

Lot 10 roupies obverse shipwreck camberwell

The S.S Camberwell, a British freighter bound for India, sank in the English Channel in 1917 after hitting a German mine. Part of the crew was washed away, as well…

The sinking of the Schiehallion

sovereign gold shipwreck Schiehallion 1872 M obverse

The Schiehallion, an English cargo ship, never completed its 1879 voyage. It ran aground in the English Channel, only a few kilometers before its arrival point. The result: two dead…

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