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The Treasure of Rue Mouffetard – Gold Louis d’Or Auctions

Catalogues de vente du trésor de la rue mouffetard

Discover the prestigious auctions of Gold Louis d’or from the rue Mouffetard treasure, between 1939 and 1972. Out of the 3 major auctions that took place in 1939, 1952…

The Hidden Treasure of the Rue Mouffetard

Portrait des ouvriers résor de la Rue Mouffetard

The treasure of the Rue Mouffetard is a fabulous French numismatic find. This story of gold coins hidden in a mystic hoarder’s apartment, in the heart of Paris, has aroused great curiosity. The Louis…

The Treasure of Vendée – Gold coins Louis d’or Louis XVI

Le trésor de Vendée

In the world of numismatics, history and the kings of France have a privileged place. Very often, there are also men little known to the general public, but illustrious characters of their time…

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Articles, Collectible Treasures
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Articles, Trésors de collection
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